Accordion component

This allows a collection of sections to be collapsed by default, showing only their headers. Sections can be expanded or collapsed individually by clicking their headers. A "Show all sections" button is also added to the top of the accordion, which switches to "Hide all sections" when all the sections are expanded.

The state of each section is saved to the DOM via the aria-expanded attribute, which also provides accessibility.

Hierarchy (view full)



_$root: HTMLElement
$sections: NodeListOf<Element>
$showAllButton: HTMLButtonElement = null
$showAllIcon: HTMLElement = null
$showAllText: HTMLElement = null
i18n: I18n
defaults: AccordionConfig = ...

Accordion default config

elementType: (new () => Element) = HTMLElement
moduleName: string = 'govuk-accordion'

Name for the component used when initialising using data-module attributes.

schema: Readonly<{
    properties: {
        i18n: {
            type: "object";
        rememberExpanded: {
            type: "boolean";
}> = ...

Accordion config schema



  • Internal Virtual


    Function which defines configuration overrides to prioritize properties from the root element's dataset.

    It should take a subset of configuration as input and return a new configuration object with properties that should be overridden based on the root element's dataset. A Symbol is used for indexing to prevent conflicts.


    Returns ObjectNested

    return - Configuration object

  • Creates the <span> containing the text of the section's heading


    • $span: Element

      The heading of the span

    Returns HTMLSpanElement

    • The <span> containing the text of the section's heading
  • Creates a <span> rendering the 'Show'/'Hide' toggle

    Returns HTMLSpanElement

    • The <span> with the visual representation of the 'Show/Hide' toggle
  • Creates the <span> element with the summary for the section

    This is necessary because the summary line text is now inside a button element, which can only contain phrasing content, and not a <div> element


    • $summary: Element

      The original <div> containing the summary

    Returns HTMLSpanElement

    • The <span> element containing the summary
  • Get the identifier for a section

    We need a unique way of identifying each content in the Accordion. Since an #id should be unique and an id is required for aria- attributes id can be safely used.


    • $section: Element

      Section element

    Returns string

    Identifier for section

  • Private

    Set section attributes when opened/closed


    • expanded: boolean

      Section expanded

    • $section: Element

      Section element

    Returns void

  • Private

    Set the state of the accordions in sessionStorage


    • $section: Element

      Section element

    • isExpanded: boolean

      Whether the section is expanded

    Returns void